When I start learning web development, I took a “total immersion” approach. I listened to programming podcasts on a walk and gym, filled my RSS with web development channels, and code every day.

In November I was accepted to Google Developer Scholarship on the Front-End Web Developer track. It was another important step in my immersion into the world of web development because I became part of 20 000 other students around the world. That experience helps me to understand what is the programming culture that that celebrates collaborative, lifelong learning and mutual support.

I want to give back to the community so if you learn to code, I list the best resources that supercharge my skills. The list is not complete yet, but I will update it as soon as possible.

I use those resources often so I also hope the page will improve my coding performance. Until now, even I have all the links saved in my bookmarks I’ve still preferred to find every page from a google search. If I have the page with all of my important links Boom! One click and I am there!

Fun fact. 2 days ago I knew nothing about Jekyll (the framework the site is built on) but the crazy idea came to my mind. Let’s blog about coding! And here we go… Sometimes I am afraid that my “total immersion” approach is too deep :)

P.S. I am not native English so very sorry for my grammar mistakes.